As a patriot (SHUJAA) of this country Kenya you ought to know your government projects, you are supposed to be part of the system or in the system. Read the article and get to know about “LAPTOP PROJECT”.

DLP – Digital Literacy Programme, what is it all about? Most people do not understand exactly what happens in this project famously known as the “Laptop Project”. This is a Government of Kenya initiative introduced in public primary schools to ensure pupils in Kenya have ability to use digital technology and communication tools in learning. The programme also enables teachers to use digital technologies to create and deliver learning content.

Digital learning is facilitated by technology. Digital learning requires a combination of technology, content and teaching. This project is run under a brand name “Digischool” for Digital Literacy Programme. This will be the name that is used externally to refer to the programme. The Digischool programme has key components which benefit all the stakeholders and agencies involved. The Key components of the programme are:

·         Provision of digital devices for both learners and teachers

·         Capacity development for teachers and implementers

·         Broadband connectivity devices

·         Provision of content for digital learning

·         Establishment of local assembly for digital

This Digischool will be rolled out to all levels of learning in primary schools systematically, initially the programme will start from class one and be gradually expanded to cover all the other levels. Many people are worried if the Digischool will replace the teacher in the classroom! No, instead the new system will enhance the teaching and learning experience by making the teacher more effective, efficient and resourceful in curriculum delivery.

Digischool programme comes with many benefits, major benefits are as follows:

·         Increasing the interaction and collaboration between the learner and teacher using technology.

·         Facilitate lesson planning and delivery.

·         Enhance digital literacy and creativity

·         Development of skills for a knowledge economy

·         Promoting Research and development

·         Enhancing Job Creation

Another thing we should know is that Digischool is not introducing ICT as a learning subject in primary schools but as a teaching and learning tool. The programme has taken care of Special needs education through provision of devices and content adapted to special needs. On the issue of power all schools are going to be connected either through the national grid or solar power, this will promote development to all neighboring towns and villages.

There is specifications for model classrooms and devices which can be found on or can be obtained from receptive agencies. One can also get the information by emailing . Basically, a model classroom will have the below ecosystem:

·         Luminous green tablet for the pupils

·         Sky blue laptop for the teachers

·         A luminous green laptop for special learners – special schools

·         Braille Embosser for special learners-special schools

·         LCD projectors

·         Digital Content Server and Wireless Router (DCSWR)

For one to know there school is ready for the programme we have e-readiness survey which focus on basic requirements. These include power supply, secure classroom with grill doors and windows, dustproof floor, availability of a secure storage cabinet with a charging unit and ventilation, flat wide desks and at least there ICT trained teachers per school.

The programme has measures on how to deal with e-waste resulting from the project. It has been designed to comply with the e-waste policy and NEMA guidelines. The programme also requires the contractors to provide appropriate environmental measures for disposal, refurbishment and recycling when the gadgets, accessories and parts reach the end of their life cycle.

Private schools have also not been left out from the programme, they will also benefit from Digischool. Private schools will benefit from the programme by getting access to approved digital educational interactive content, designs for model classrooms and devices. The devices supplied are property of the government, no student will be allowed to go home with the devices. The devices will be kept in a secure storage facility by the school.

To conclude one would want to know who are the implementing partners of the Digischool programme? There are three of administration: oversight, inter-ministerial and a technical implementation committee. A secretariat oversee the day to day running of the programme. The lead agencies are Ministry of ICT, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, The ICT Authority, Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development, The Attorney General and The National Treasury.  Agencies include, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE), Rural Development Authority (REA) and Kenya Power. Private players like Kenya Natinal Union of Teachers (KNUT), KNAP- Kenya National Association of Parents, Kenya Primary School Heads Association (KEPSHA) also are part of the technical team.

###May God Bless Kenya as our education system go DIGITAL###


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